Identifying and Managing Corporate Psychopaths
Research provides insights on identifying and managing individuals termed ‘corporate psychopaths’ within the business sphere. Such individuals, comprising about 1% of the adult population, lack emotions such as guilt or empathy. However, they often ascend to leadership roles due to their charismatic traits, posing significant threats to businesses, sectors, and even entire economies.
Identifying Corporate Psychopaths
Some warning signs to detect their presence include superficial charm, rationality, lack of remorse, and emotional shallowness. Corporate psychopaths are destructive to firms and economies, therefore identifying and managing them effectively is essential.
Findings from Research
The research findings, to be presented at the Chelmsford Science Festival, address how the finance industry can identify, manage, and if necessary, remove corporate psychopaths. The pioneer in the field of corporate psychopathy, Dr. Clive Boddy of Anglia Ruskin University, will elucidate on their potential as effective leaders, their rise to power, and their subsequent actions.
Threat to Stability and Economy
The term ‘corporate psychopath’ refers to well-performing psychopaths in corporate and political settings, who are a significant risk to companies and economies’ stability. Boddy will discuss the warning signs that those in the finance industry such as pension funds, can watch out for, which include superficial charm, rationality, irresponsibility, lack of remorse, and emotionally shallow nature.
Greater Vigilance Needed
According to Boddy, industries, particularly the financial sector, have a huge responsibility to be vigilant in spotting these individuals and ensuring they cannot endanger our economy and broader society. The ruthlessly self-serving behavior of corporate psychopaths has the potential to bring down entire sectors. Therefore, identifying and preventing these individuals from causing serious damage is critical to the viability and sustainability of firms and economies.
About this Business Neuroscience and Psychopathy Research News
The findings will be presented at the week-long Chelmsford Science Festival, organized by Anglia Ruskin University, from 18-24 October. The festival includes a variety of free talks, exhibitions, and events on all aspects of science.
Given my position as a psychiatrist, I find these findings both alarming and significant. This research reflects the value of psychiatric insights within a corporate setting, highlighting the importance of identifying, managing, and appropriately dealing with psychopathic individuals to prevent financial and societal damage. Further research in this direction is both pertinent and necessary.
Dr David Michael Johnson, MD, Cure of Mind