About Us
Cure of Mind Clinic is a medical company based in Athens, Greece, specializing in mental health services. The company supports the needs of its clients by providing psychiatry, psychotherapy, nutrition and general health services in person at its Athens facility and online around the world. Particularly in terms of online service delivery, our company has experience since 2014, with the cooperation of select scientists in many countries.
Cure of Mind was founded by the psychiatrist – psychotherapist Dr. Dimitris Papadimitriadis (Greece), who remains its general partner. Dimitris studied Medicine at the University of Crete and International Health Policy at the London School of Economics (LSE). He specialised in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in London (Royal Free Hospital & UCL School of Medicine, Halliwick Personality Disorder Service) and in Athens (Research University Institute of Mental Health, Evangelismos General Hospital).
Dimitris is the author of best-selling books on depression and anxiety available in Greek and the curator of the CureClass self-help method based on the use of electronic cognitive behavioural psychotherapy. He has received special honors for his activities from the University of Crete, the Scientific Society of General Medicine, the Panhellenic Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations, the Organizing Committee of the 2004 Olympic Games and the “Civil Society” Award of the Greek Radio Journalists (EPA).

Cure of Mind (online hub) operates under the continuous supervision
of a Science Team and a Management Team.
The Science Team supports Cure of Mind’s faculty of experts
and directs the educational functions of the clinic.
The Management Team supports day-to-day operations
and is responsible for the smooth running of the entire platform.
Chair / CEO
Dr D Papadimitriadis MD MSc
psychiatrist, psychotherapist
Vice chairs
E. Theofili Bs(Hons), MSc
psychologist, psychotherapist
G. Makris Bs(Hons), MSc
psychologist, psychotherapist
Community of Experts
Director / COO
C. Tselias
D. Wallaker
N. Antonopoulos
N. Bowen
Cure of Mind L.P., Omirou 13, Athens 10672, Greece