Are your irrational fears and phobias holding you back from achieving your dreams? Fear can hold us back from reaching our full potential and living the life we want and deserve. However, there are tools available to help you overcome your fears and phobias, and Ho’oponopono is one approach that many are finding to be successful.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian philosophy that has recently gained popularity as a way to deal with fear. The word Ho’oponopono means “to make right or cleanse,” and the philosophy teaches that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. No matter what occurs, Ho’oponopono would have us believe that we somehow caused it.
This belief may be difficult for some people to accept, but it is at the core of Ho’oponopono’s effectiveness. Accepting responsibility for everything that happens in our lives means that we are also responsible for eliminating it. However, Ho’oponopono doesn’t ask us to eliminate the problem ourselves. Instead, we accept responsibility for whatever has happened, then ask for Divine forgiveness and intervention to resolve the problem.
Ho’oponopono is a profound philosophy that cannot be fully explained in a single article. However, there are resources available to help those interested in learning more. If this philosophy resonates with you, the guide discussed at the bottom of this article can provide more information.
Living in fear can be debilitating, but there are techniques available to help us overcome our fears and live the life we want. Ho’oponopono is one such approach that may be worth exploring if you are struggling with fear or phobias. By accepting responsibility and asking for Divine forgiveness and intervention, we can overcome our fears and live with greater freedom and joy.
Written by Patrick Mannson