Feast on This: The Mind-Body Connection
A bumpy ride, that’s what life can be at times, right? Waking up, feeling like a million bucks, then by mid-afternoon, the batteries are low, and the mind starts wandering into “fuzzy” territory. Ever happened to you? As a psychologist, I’ve seen it; I’ve lived it. Mind fog, poor concentration, forgetfulness, mood swings, we blame our situations, our jobs, our relationships.
But what about the food we eat? Could it have a say in our mental wellbeing? One might never imagine, but it does. Fact: our diet not only affects our physical condition but also our mental state. “You are what you eat” – we’ve heard it, we’ve read it, but do we really understand it?
Stick around, let’s dive into top nutrition tips for your mind’s optimum functioning. A fusion of science with some relatable anecdotes sprinkled in (after all, I am a psychologist). Warning: contents might change your eating habits forever.
Numero Uno: a Colorful Plate, a Happy Brain
Ever considered eating like an artist? Picture this: your plate is a canvas, and your veggies, fruits, proteins – they’re all brush strokes of different colors. The more vibrant, the more appealing, right? Ruby cherry tomatoes, radiant oranges, grass-green spinach, your plate, rainbow-blessed. This isn’t just a visual treat; we’re moving miles beyond.
Fruits, vegetables – they boast essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Brain-protecting elements that guard against neurodegeneration, memory loss, cognitive decline. Fill up on those greens, blues, reds, yellows.
I remember a patient so fond of fast food, a thought of adding even a single vegetable sent shivers down his spine. But when he did, the positive impact it had on lifting his spirits, boosting his energy—it was magical. Granted, going to the gym helped too, but the veggies, they were game-changers. I say embrace the kaleidoscope of nature’s brain-boosting goodness; it’s a step toward mental clarity.
Wave Goodbye to Refined Sugar, Meet Steady Energy
Random question: ever felt mighty exhilarated, the sky teeming with rainbows and fairy dust (figuratively speaking), then suddenly, without warning, your world is devoid of rainbows and unicorns, a place of lethargy, mental sluggishness? Refined sugar, the sweet culprit. You know the drill, sodas, candy, pastries—empty calories, oh, but such sweet rewards, right?
Reality check. Our brain craves constant energy. Sure, refined sugar floods our system with it, but then crashes it, leaving our head in the dust, weary, cranky. Opt for natural sugar sources: fresh fruits, honey, or just plain cutting back on the cloying villains. Steady sugar levels, a happy, clear-headed you.
Fuel the Brain with Healthy Fats
Fats, they’ve gained a bad rep. However, surprise, surprise, our brains need them. Not to mess with you, but two-thirds of our mind’s made up of fat! Yep. Good fats are our best buddies, especially Omega-3 fatty acids—promoting brain function and guarding against mood disorders, depression, anxiety.
Think salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds. These nutrient-packed wonders, food for the mind, not enemies to the waistline. I know a guy – dear friend, giant heart, great mind – he used to stuff his face with processed fats. As he turned to Omega power, not only did his thoughts sharpen, but it blew life into his emotional wellbeing.
Make Friends with Protein, Shake Hands with Mood Stability
In the realm of grappling with mental health, a star component: neurotransmitters—serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. A mouthful, I admit. But why fuss about them? They regulate our mood, sleep, and overall sense of well-being.
Proteins, in all their essential amino acid glory, are building blocks for these neurotransmitters. Without them, our hearts quiver. Embrace sources like lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, seeds, nuts, Greek yogurt. These superstars are more than muscles’ best friends; they’re assisting our neurotransmitters in keeping our mood in check, too.
I have this friend, a fantastic graphic designer. Talented, but often lost in the abyss of gloom. Severe mood swings demolishing her productivity. Once she added ample protein to her diet, it was like flipping a switch. As if she blew the cobwebs away from her brain—happier, more focused, more unstoppable than ever before.
Remember the Forgotten Hero: Hydration
Water, H2O, life’s elixir—70% of our brain demands it, yet oftentimes we pay it no heed. When dehydration creeps in, mental fatigue, headaches, forgetfulness follow.
Water is crucial but doesn’t limit yourself to glasses of it alone. Tea, herbal infusions, fruits and vegetables with high water content. Mix it up, keep it fun, keep it stimulating. Hang on to moisture, buoy your mind to great heights!
A Closing Thought: Balance Is Key
Adopting a healthy diet doesn’t mean shutting out joy from life. That occasional slice of cake or savory treat isn’t always the enemy. It’s about moderation, balance, mindfulness. Splurge a bit, indulge a little, but maintain overall nourishment: your body, your brain will thank you.
Picture that full, rich plate, imagine those solid relationships with proteins, healthy fats, hydration. As you embark on this mindful journey, nourishing your mind and body, remember the colors, textures, and flavors, a symphony orchestrated just for your well-being: physical and mental, hand in hand.
Fair well, friend, and may your mind find solace in every scrumptious bite!
Blake Harrison Thompson, Psychologist at Cure of Mind