For those who suffer from fear of flying, the solution to overcome it may be found within oneself. There is no need to resort to expensive therapy or medication. The key to flying without panic is to handle the anxiety felt during the flight, and the easiest way to do that is to get out of one’s head. The brain is responsible for causing worry and anxiety and once the brain is ignored, one can enjoy a comfortable flight.
Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher, has written two books that offer simple solutions to overcome anxiety and panic. His books, The Power of Now and A New Earth, illustrate how one can find joy by being present and how to find inner peace by listening to the voice inside the mind. His teachings have transformed many lives, and for those who suffer from fear of flying, the lessons found in those two books could be a life-changing experience.
By being an observer of the voice inside the head, one can take back control of oneself. It is not the real person in the head, but just a detrimental voice that causes anxiety and panic. When one learns to ignore this voice, fear can subside, and the only moment that matters is the present.
Flying can cause panic, but the messages the brain sends to flee and panic are not based on reality. There is no way to predict the outcome of a flight, so why worry about it? Although it may seem silly, ignoring one’s thoughts could be a solution to overcome fear of flying.
Staying in the present is often difficult, as life keeps throwing curveballs. Nevertheless, it is possible with practice and belief. Using these tools when preparing to board a flight can help control one’s mind and body’s reaction during the flight.
Positive thinking and messages can be helpful to deal with stressful situations. However, one may discover that emptying their mind can be much more powerful. Quieting the mind, feeling one’s true self and being present in the now, leave no room for fear.
In conclusion, fear of flying is something anyone can overcome. Although it is not easy, the solution is within reach by using the right tools and mindset. Eckhart Tolle’s books, The Power of Now and A New Earth, could offer invaluable lessons for those seeking to quiet their mind and overcome anxiety and panic. We all have the ability to choose how we feel, and choosing to be free of fear can be the most liberating experience one can have.
Written by Tess Rainey