On August 1, 2007, the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed, leaving no hope for survivors. The sudden and unexpected nature of this event is a reminder of how fears and phobias can come about. When we experience something that we do not wish to happen to us or witness it happening, fear can be born. For some, this fear can turn into a full-blown phobia, causing them to rehearse the scenario as if they were actually living it. Avoiding situations that trigger fear or phobia is a common coping mechanism, but it does not address the root cause of the problem.
Using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), fears and phobias can be resolved without the need for lengthy analysis or months of therapy. EFT works by identifying the specific fear or phobia and tapping on specific points on the body to release the negative emotional energy associated with it. It is a self-administered method that can be learned quickly and easily.
Fears and phobias associated with bridges are not uncommon. People who experience a sudden wave of fear while crossing a bridge may develop a fear of bridges, causing them to avoid them altogether. EFT can help eliminate this fear and the associated anxiety and stress.
Older bridges like the I-35W, which collapsed due to the failure of a single member, can be a cause for concern. However, not all bridges have this design, and those that do are not necessarily destined to fail. Rather than being ruled by fear, it is important to address the root cause of the fear and work towards eliminating it.
Examples of EFT statements for fear of bridges include “Even though I’m too afraid to go across a bridge, I deeply and completely accept myself,” “Even though I’m sick over the idea of having to drive across the bridge, I deeply and completely love and accept myself,” and “Even though people died on that bridge and they didn’t know but it happened and you never can know when things will happen, I deeply and completely accept myself.” These statements can be customized to suit the specific thoughts and feelings associated with the fear of bridges.
EFT is not limited to the fear of bridges. It can be used to address fears, traumas, anxieties, sports performance, and even weight loss. Fear and anxiety can cause overeating and indulging behaviors, making it a useful tool in weight loss efforts.
In conclusion, fears and phobias can arise from unexpected events such as the collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis. EFT provides a self-administered and effective way of addressing the root cause of these fears and phobias, allowing individuals to overcome them and live fulfilling lives.
Written by Kathryn Martyn, M.NLP